We offer baby-friendly gatherings designed to help you
meet & connect with fellow new mamas.

Welcome to Mamahood

In the Mamahood community, we believe in real talk, in creating authentic connections. In holding space for each other. We believe in swapping stories, celebrating successes, and sharing struggles. We believe that every mom deserves support, and someone who just... gets it.

After all, sometimes the thing we need to hear most is someone saying “me too!”

Mamahood is a space for you to show up exactly as you are, with no judgment. In this space, you are invited to be vulnerable, to honor whatever it is you’re feeling, and to share openly.

We’re here to help you feel more connected & more empowered in your journey as a new mama.


Sign up to be notified about upcoming events, Mamahood community news, and helpful resources!



The Mamahood community offers in-person gatherings designed to help new & expecting moms support each other and create authentic connections. Here’s a look at what we offer:

✨ Mamahood Meetups ✨

Mamahood meetups are designed for anyone in or approaching their first year of motherhood.

Our meetups are an amazing way to feel connected to fellow new moms and truly build community. We sit and chat as a group, focusing on topics that feel relevant as we navigate that first year of mom life. We go deep, we talk about what’s real for us, and we share tears, laughs, and everything in between.

We meet in-person weekly on Tuesdays, with meetups offered on both the east side and west side of Cleveland. All meetups are free to attend. Please subscribe to our emails for the most up-to-date info on meetup times & locations.

Bring your baby, or come on your own! Our space is designed for us mamas, so you will not be out of place if your little one is not with you.

Open to anyone in their first year as a mama, expecting moms, or anyone who considers themselves a new mom in any way! You are welcome to bring your 0-12 month old with you.



✨ Mamahood Events ✨

We offer 1-2 events per month, with at least one held on a weekend date.

Previous events have included a mamas’ night out at a winery, a baby & me movement class, a toy store sip & shop, a holiday cookie exchange, and more. Check out our calendar to see what’s coming up!

Our events are open to all mamas, and are a great way to get out of the house, do something FUN, and connect with other new moms!



"Mamas, here is your village! Mamahood has kept me sane postpartum but is totally something I would have found solace in while pregnant, too. The weekly meetups have served as a warm and safe space where genuine conversations are had about tough stuff, judgement-free. I really appreciate that the focus is on moms connecting with one another, as it's something I have not been able to find elsewhere. If you're at all considering it, I highly recommend trying out a meeting!"

“I really struggled with PPD/PPA during those early postpartum months and I knew one of the only ways I would get through it was to find a mom village - easier said than done! Mamahood has been that community - never once have I had to explain myself or panic if the baby is fussy or needs to eat because every single person gets it and just asks if they can help. I have made some pretty incredible friends that have not only make motherhood doable, but pretty fun too 😊”

“I’m so glad to have found Mamahood. As a first time mama to be, I wasn’t very connected to my community before this pregnancy. Thanks to this group, I see an opportunity to be involved, and I feel welcomed and heard. Our conversations about pregnancy and new motherhood have eased my concerns, not just about birth, but about navigating the emotional minefield that we so often hear women speak about regarding the postpartum period. I am truly excited about the support this group offers, our common experiences, and being able to share in an open and accepting environment.”

“Motherhood is the hardest thing I’ve ever done, and it’s such a gift to spend time with others who just get it — who understand that new parenthood can be both exhilarating and exhausting. These women aren’t afraid to get raw and real! I’m so grateful for the friendships that I’ve formed with other moms in the Mamahood community. I know they have my back and I’ll have theirs through all the highs and lows ahead!”

 Follow us on Instagram: @joinmamahood